Welcome back to Beersplaining, it’s been a minute, or like 18 months… Who’s even counting. But we’re back and were gonna blog about beer some more. The plan is to at least do a post with our scores for every Beer we get from Tavour, so I’m starting out with that.
Check out the whole video here
For December, we had 12 beers to share between the 4 of us. Our scoring system works like this:
We rate from 0-5, with 3 being a decent solid beer we liked and would drink again. Then it goes up or down from there, so there should be plenty of 3s, and a few great ones and a couple bombs, there always is. As you can tell from the scoring we all like some different things, but usually agree overall.
Scores are listed with ratings like this: HoppyHippo/BeerSnobEsq/Brulysses/FatherFlan (3/4/2/5 for example)
With that said, let’s get started. Beers ordered by Average from Worst to First.
The Passion of Johann – Aslin Beer Company (0/0/1/0)
OK, so nobody really liked this one, it just didn’t have any flavor. Almost like it was an old IPA, but it wasn’t. We think the issue is that it had a 0 IBU, which means it didn’t have any hops basically, and the addition of the fruits didn’t come out.
Pleased As Pie (Key Lime) – Adventurous Brewing (2/2/2/1)
This one was OK, but it didn’t deliver on what was described. The lime was fine, but the graham cracker was non-existent. Had you gotten that sweetness of graham cracker, this likely would have scored higher
Sour Gummy Kids –Mortalis Brewing Company (1/1/3/2)
Brulysses definitely liked this more than the rest of it. For me, it felt like a Hodge Podge of flavors with only the Raspberry sticking out.
Seal of the Deal – Drekker Brewing Company (3/3/3/2)
We all basically thought this was a fine IPA. Not much to say about it for me. Just a decent beer and plenty drinkable.
Brundlefly – Bizarre Brewing (3/3/3/3)
A great example of an alt bier, plenty of malt and character.
Barrel Aged Campfire Snack – Lumberbeard Brewing Company (3/3/3/3)
It did most of what it said on the can, but for a $20 can, it under performed.
Smüzí Raspberry-Lemon Cheesecake – Sapwood Cellars (4/3/4/1)
A solid sour, if a bit polarizing on our table. It tasted like what it said on the can pretty much. Great mouthfeel as well.
Double Pillow – Common Roots Brewing Company (3/3/3/3)
Another good IPA, would be plenty happy if I were to order this at a tap room.
Funktastic Fizz: All Eyez on Mead – Funktastic Meads (3/3/3/3)
Solid Mead here, had decent Cherry flavor and was overall very pleasing. Plus I dig the name and art.
Home for the Holihaze – Pure Project (4/3/4/2)
Tasty Hazy IPA, had that juicyness I enjoy.
Hippo Hooray – Tripping Animal Brewing (4/4/5/2)
A fantastic Triple IPA. Managed to avoid that burn you get from most triples, which is always the sign of a quality triple.
Peanut Butter Weekend – Prairie Artisan Ales (5/5/2/4)
BeerSnob and I loved this beer. So that kicked the average up a bit and made it the winner for the month. Just a great beer, the Peanut Butter is there, the coffee flavor is light and works well, and the bourbon barrel aging didn’t overpower the beer.
Thanks for checking out our ratings, and hopefully watching some of our YouTube video, where we basically get not sober on camera 🙂
Hoppy Hippo